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Rent your next location

Scouter is the leading peer-to-peer marketplace connecting property owners with photographers and filmmakers in search of extraordinary shooting locations

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Renting a location could not be easier

Find the right location, make a booking and pay with your credit card. That's it.

1. Find the right location

Search and browse for locations. Filter the search by the dates when you need the location and other criteria of your choice.

2. Book and pay

Make a booking from the property owner's calendar. Pay with your credit card. Wait until the property owner approves your booking.

3. Have an awesome shoot!

Use Scouter's messaging system to communicate details about the shoot and start creating some magic!

Have a location? List it and make money!

With Scouter you can make extra cash by renting out your property.

1. List your property

Decide a price, use a calendar to determine when your property is available, and add a couple of photos of your location.

2. Add your payout details

Add your bank account number and go through an identity verification process so we can send you money for your bookings.

3. Start accepting bookings

You'll get notified by email when there's a new booking. You can see who is booking and decide to accept or reject.

cabin in the woods

List your location, make side income

Your next favorite side hustle is here. Unlock the potential of your property and let it work for you by listing your space today.

Create your listing for free
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